Tuesday, July 9, 2013

sorry I missed last week; busy with putting finishing touches on manuscript. sent it off to publisher last night but will wait to hear that moving to next step that will configure book into paperback size. wow, learning all about the business end of being an author.
there is a section of Chapter 1: "Sarah, the neighbor hood matriarch, lived across the street from our home. There neighorhood women and children gathered around her kitchen table to help prepare meals for her large family while drinking warm coffee and filling Sarah's entire home with chatter. 
Sarah was a soft, gentle woman.  Her softness was her size,too. She had a full figure clad in housedresses and aprons. When I hugged her, I felt her softness and warmth, unlike Mom's body that was always restricted with a girdle stiffness around her middle.  Sarah's belly and chest were unrestrained. No false imressions and no make up; Sarah's only powder was flour smudged on her cheeks or nose from her daily kitchen chores."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are moving right along. I'm so excited for you!!!

    - Greg
